Our Story
For more than ten years, we have provided cultural events such as The Day of the Dead to give individuals and families a safe forum for sharing their culture with the community.
Now we continue offering cultural events that are open and free to all so the community can come together to learn, celebrate and understand each other's cultures. In addition, we have a place in Issaquah to provide navigation services to community members regardless of the barriers they face.
To build trust, we pay attention to human needs for respect and purpose. We invite them to share information about their community, to help us learn about their skills and talents to look for ways to empower them to become active, caring, engaged, and responsible members of the community.
If you would like to learn more about the work we do, contact us here!
Our Services
We connect individuals and families to existing and new services to help them navigate their communities. Every week, we meet with families who have arrived in the community, and who need resources to help them get established and settled. We also help families who might not be new to the community, but require settlement assistance; such as support for rent, counseling, medical insurance, tax preparation, legal consultation, domestic violence or senior assistance. We make sure families feel welcome and integrated in the community through the resources and services provided by The Circle.
We provide access to education, bridging the gap for individuals and families to acquire the necessary knowledge to become active participants in their communities. We offer English, Spanish, Music and Art classes at our offices.
We also provide different educational workshops and events every month. Topics include home buying, building your credit, financial planning, banking, starting a business, doing your taxes, caring for your family and your health, legal processes, etc.
We support and create events open and free to all, to come together as a community to learn, celebrate and understand each other’s diversity. Our Inclusive Circle offers monthly meetings where children and teens with special needs participate in art and music. Our Latino Circle offers a Children’s Day event, Day of the Dead Celebration and a Winter Event for seniors. This year, we also held an Eid-al-Fitr event for our Muslim community, to celebrate the end of Ramadan. Cultural workshops are held throughout the year.
Our Team
Alicia Spinner
Executive Director
Karina Del Vecchio
Program Manager: Community Navigation
María Fernanda Ortiz
Program Manager: Education
Doaa Salem
Community Navigator
Irma Arenas
Community Navigator
Laura Ni
Community Navigator
Noreen Awan
Board Member
Jodi Novotny
Board Member
Alisa Chow
Board Member
Marisol Visser
Board Member
Adriana Stamenova
Board Advisor
Jim Berry
Board Advisor
Lorna Gilmour
Board Advisor
Pat Sadate-Ngatchou
Board Advisor
Impact Report 2023

We treat all our clients with compassion. We are confronted with another's suffering, and we feel motivated to relieve it.
We aim to promote equality. We believe that all humans are born free and equal.
We aim to understand the feelings and experiences of others.
We aim to provide equal access to cultural and educational opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.